...a natural, homemade, diy, baking soda free, deodorant
Can you believe it?!? It's deodorant time time for my BAAAAABBBBYYYY. I mean she's not technically a tween so i'm taking so liberties with the titles but imo, the second you stink and have hormone rages - you a tween. and so with delicate toes, i dip into the oh-so-delicate world of tween-dom.
We all know most grocery store deodorant has oddles awful stuff in it. And 98% of the other stuff doesn't work. And i've read (and agree) that most of our stink is diet related. Alas...this is also the real world, public school, and we don't want to stink. Period.
Some household favorites have been:
E+ High C - by Aubry Organics....but then it stopped working for me.
Primal Pit Paste - my husband loves, but the regular is too baking soda heavy for me (rashes) and the one without doesn't work. And in case you were wondering, lemongrass is our favorite 'flavor'.
Schmidt's Natural Deodorant - actually works pretty well, but we JUST got this to try and had already created our princess pits :)
For reasons unknown, my daughter preferred a roll-on to a stick and with that in mind, we began our search. And so we searched...and searched and as we do combined a few recipes. It's been awhile but i believe we ended up with a combo of Mountain Rose & Wellness Mama recipes.
Princess Pits Recipe:
- 1/2 teaspoon pink salt
- 2 tablespoons witch hazel
- 1 tablespoon veggie glyserin
- 1 tablespoon magnesiun oil
- 12 drops tea tree
- 12 fragrance essential oil (depending on strength of smell, you may want more or less)
While you can buy these adorable roll-on bottles, for our first batch, we upcycled a little spray bottle that we had on hand. And its been lovely ever since!
*sidenote: we are actually presently surprised by how LONG our little bottle has lasted, how well it works and how much we are looking forward to playing with new scent combinations!