About Jenn
Though grounded in a type 'a' personality, Jenn is an artistic spirit who enjoys playing around with a good many things. She is a dichotomy of personalities and finds life in all that is new, complex and seasonal.
After working for 10+ years as a Statistical Analyst & Project Manager for various consulting companies and government agencies, Jenn made the decision to follow her heart after the birth of her second child. She dreamt of a photography business that would fulfill her every need financially, spiritually and emotionally, but had sorta forgotten she was also required to be a full time mum. And chef. And cleaning service. And personal assistant (to herself) And, and, and....let's just say the transition from working mom to stay-at-home status is still a work in progress ~ even after many years!
Copyright American Honey Photography
During this time when few things remained constant, Jenn searched through the weeds to find her true self. It's hard to take one's passion and turn a profit without turning that same passion into just another j-o-b. To be successful most business coaches agree that you must find your passion, and dig your heels in the sand. Unfortunately, I've learned that this is not something that works for me. I can not be the doula I want to be if I am only a doula. I can not be the photographer I dream of, if I just do photography. Heck, I can't even be the mama I want to be, if I am just a mama. Like my garden that needs sun, water, warmth and many nutrients to thrive...I am made of many parts that need to be fed.
This is how 'The Enchanted Poppy' was born. I am Jenn. A dreamer. An artist. A lover of women and the immense power they hold. A Mama who believes that magic is just behind the next corner if you look hard enough. Enchanted Poppy is my life. And I open my doors and welcome you to be a part of it.